House Mice Drive Millions of Unique Birds to Extinction on Uninhabited Island

Millions of the world´s most unique birds rely on remote and undisturbed nature of Gough Island, Tristan de Cunha in the South Atlantic ocean, but are threatened by mice that eat their eggs and chicks alive. Mice accidentaly escaped from one of the harbouring ships in the 19th century and have grown not only in numbers, but also in size. Ten out of all seabird … Continue reading House Mice Drive Millions of Unique Birds to Extinction on Uninhabited Island

Vultures – Villains in Stories, Ecosystem Heroes

Their beaks and necks are covered in blood and feces as they strip rotting carcasses of flesh and skin. Only the largest can tear open dead animal body so they furiously bore a hole through eyes, nostrils and anus of a carcase. Surrounded by flies and exposed to deadly bacteria – a picture that evokes unpleasant feeling of disgust, but all the same vultures play … Continue reading Vultures – Villains in Stories, Ecosystem Heroes

Climate is changing, but what is the right thing to do?

What and who causes environmental change? How does it affect us? Is there anything we can do about it? How can we use nature, but not use it up? What does it mean to be environmentally friendly? These are questions worth asking but difficult to answer. The documentaries aim to bring to light complexity of environmental issues and a variety of struggles people face around … Continue reading Climate is changing, but what is the right thing to do?

Sturgeon Populations On a Level Where Every Individual Counts

The conservation status of all sturgeon species in Europe has become highly critical without showing signs of recovery[1]. Researchers worry, that some species have become extinct in the wild already (e.g. Adriatic sturgeon), since there is no evidence of their spawning grounds[2]. Unrestrained commercial sturgeon fishing began in 19th century and together with our appetite for its roe and meat, it has had devastating impacts, … Continue reading Sturgeon Populations On a Level Where Every Individual Counts